Monday, March 19, 2007

March 16th 2007 It’s Official: no more night time bottles!!

Whenever Camille woke during the night, any time between 12 and 3, I had the bottle ready. A thermos of hot water to top off the bottle of formula. A lovely warm bottle of milk for my little girl. As she drank, in a dazed and half asleep state, I would change her nappy. More often than not I found it hard to get back to sleep and spent the next day in a sleep deprived state.

But no more! To my horror I read that night time feeds of milk contribute to tooth decay. Camile has exceptionally beautiful teeth. So I without a moment’s hesitation I changed to water. As you can imagine, Camille was less than impressed when she took that bottle last Thursday night. One mouthful and that was it. After a few nights she obviously decided that it was no longer worth waking for. So now she sleeps the whole night through. Now, as any mother knows, that’s a cause for celebration. Yippee………….!