Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Chinese New Year: The Year of the Pig

Well at least we tried. It was so hot on Chinese New Year that the best we could manage was a visit to the local Chinese restaurant. Camille, Chloe, Tim and I ventured out in the heat to the air-conditioned Eastern Inn in Clifton Hill. No Chinese outfits, way too hot for that. However,we did manage the red envelopes. Camille enjoyed the spring rolls and fried rice. Low key but definitely good fun.

Fortunately the FCC get together was on a much milder day. Camille and I put on our red silk outfits and quite looked the part. The Suixi girls were reunited and all looked fabulously healthy and happy.

Camille spent most of the day on the playground equipment. Fortunately Camille had two devoted cousins, Chloe and Alex, who shadowed her as she went from slide, to swing, to Mum and back again.