Sunday, December 24, 2006

The mystery of the 25 kg suitcase

The Mystery of the 25kg Suitcase
Fond memories came to mind of my backpacking days, as I lugged my 25 kg suitcase through airports, immigration, train stations and then more immigration and customs, on our journey from Melbourne to Guangzhou. Now suitcases had wheels. Easy…… Or so I thought until I reached that steep flight of stairs when we took a wrong turn in our search for Hung Po Train Station, Hong Kong.

So what was in this 25 kg suitcase? I had a list which I’d dutifully followed. Everything for little Camille: nappies, clothes, formula, bottles, lotions, potions. You name it we seemed to have it. And of course it would be warmish in Guanzhou and freezing in Shangahi. So I needed clothes for two seasons for two people. And stylish ones at that. Then there was all the modern technology with the necessary adaptors: laptops, videos, cameras, mobiles. Throw in a few books to read and a bag of toiletries and there you have it. The 25 kg suitcase. Bloody heavy.