Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The first photos

The first photos

After the euphoria of knowing that little Sui Hua Chan was to be my little girl came the wait for the photo. I busied myself during Cup day. There was no punting this year. I can't even remember who won.

Wednesday morning I carried my mobile to class, just in case. Still no call. So I checked my email. I couldn't believe what I saw. Everyone else had their photos. How could it be? They lived in the country. I was here in the city!

I was beside myself. I rang Lina. Did she know what was going on? In the backyard I sobbed to Tim 'I just can't wait any longer!' I was desperate, inconsolable.

But then Lina called back. She hadn't checked her mail. The package had sat all day in the letterbox. A million apologies. She was coming immediately....

Tim beat a hasty retreat. As a persona non grata he had no choice. Finally a knock on the door. Lina! She pulled the photos out in the hallway, even before I'd greeted her. 'She's gorgeous. A beautiful baby.' And she was. Chubby, serene and totally beautiful. After such a long, long wait. Finally Camille was on her way.