Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Camille's first session at creche

Camille didn’t cry, but her Mum certainly did, as the lovely childcare worker at Northcote swimming pool took Camille over to play with the other kids. I’m sure it’s the same for every Mum. Even though I love being at home with Camille, watching her grow and learn so fast, the unrelenting demand of being with a very active toddler 24/7, has been taking its toll.

Camille has only been with us for 8 months and as attachment is such an important issue for littlies who have been adopted, it’s not a simple thing to leave her in someone else’s care. But I really need a break, and a bit of head space. I suppose many people are able to do this at night. However, I’ve never really been a night person, and now that my mornings have been commandeered by a little person who wakes at 5 each day, well I just don’t seem to get any time. Tim does take care of Camille at times, but unfortunately he is often exhausted from his very physical job. So it doesn’t seem fair to ask him too often, when he works so damn hard.

So today is the first trial run. I’m sitting in the café at the swimming pool tapping away on my laptop. Fingers crossed that all goes well.

PS The childcare worker came in after an hour saying Camille was quite distressed. So was Mum as she reassured her sobbing little girl! Let's hope next time it will be easier for all concerned.

PPS After we got home from creche I chatted a bit to Camille about creche and everytime I mentioned the word she just said ' waaaah, waaah' !!!